Thursday, April 19, 2012

Getting Rich Staying at home……

The Steps to Self Made Millionaires club (Series 1)

The myth that staying at home and having nowhere to go is as a result of joblessness is a long tale of the industrial age.

A lot of people have been caught in the rat race to believe that it is only through a 9am to 5pm that you can make ends meet. You may have at one time or the other been pressured emotionally to getting a job to fulfill certain obligations. Except for a high paid profile Chief Executive Officers, it is literally very slim to get rich doing a 9am to 5pm job as an employee. Most wealth ever made in the world was an outcome of a well done homework.

Honda was never built in the schedule of a 9 to 5, it was a design and desire to see people own cheap and affordable cars that kept the inventor doing more of his brain work at home.

The most productive hours you can get is when you are at your comfort zone(home) and have little or no worries about meeting some deadlines or scheduling a meeting.

All you need to really reshape world and get rich staying at home is a pen and a pad, a table and a chair to work on. On the writing pad, ask yourself some pertinent question, how you want your life to be in 5years 10 years or 15 years. Do you plan on getting stock with the idea of getting some pensions after retirement? What’s the assurance that the insurance policy you have will be safe place to hide.

This is the digital age where everything is moving at the speed of light. Bill Gates puts it better in his book ‘Business at The Speed of Thought’. The Information technology is the digital nervous system you need to drive your earnings soaring higher.

You do not necessarily have to quit your day job, NO!. What you need is a deep thought on how you want end your life, either at the lower rung of the ladder of wealth or heading to the top.
In this digital age almost every business can be done from home, All you need is the right information, the source, the process, the product or service and the clients.

Subsequent posts, I would be showing you various work at home ventures you should get involved in and make a decent stream of regular income and get rich.

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