Where I am coming from: Ours is a society where everyone tends not to believe the other person until they see things in the physical manifestation. The challenges I have faced with legitimate internet businesses is getting the right one that is fully supported within my domain. A lot of programs such as surveys, pay per click, affiliate marketing, info marketing to mention but a few have actually being recommended. The challenge is getting the right one that truly pays out this cash for you to use. Not until a few years ago I found real time article freelance sites that does. You get paid although very little for a start for writing articles for clients. It took quite a while to get hired for the job. My first pay of $65 dollars was like a break through for me. After months of bidding for projects. Realistically, I found out that, in bidding for articles in freelance sites, you really need to start small and be truthful to meeting deadlines, else you may not get any job at all. The internet is so wide that jobs that you feel should be done for $100, someone else somewhere is ready to do same job for $10. That's the challenge you would face.
Where I am Presently: Ok I know you may be waiting for me to say I have made millions of dollars. Well I am on that route. Not until recently I can feel the hard dollar currency in my hands. I have been able to secure quite a handsome sum in writing articles on 3 freelance sites on the internet. There mode of payment has changed over time. The monopoly held by one online payment portal is beginning to fade away. Just activated my master card sent from one of the sites and made withdrawal from the site into it. I look forward to making a few hundreds of dollars at the end of the year by being open minded to legitimate internet streams of income.
Where I want to be; Soonest I look forward to making over $25,000 from the internet and here is how I intend to achieve it.
1. Affiliate marketing
2. Network marketing
3. Article writing
4. Blogging for leads
5. Forex trading.
I strongly recommend the 5 internet business model to you. They are legitimate and could bring in funds to your account. Do not make the mistake like other internet users searching for business. It is not a get rich quick market but a steady income accumulation environment.
Making money on the internet is real, it takes alot of patience, hardwork and tenacity.